In the summer of 1954, four life savers, Maurie Perry, Sid Sweet, John Grosvenor and Peter Cook started to patrol the Christies Beach Foreshore. In the same year the Christies Beach Surf Lifesaving Club came into existence.
This tradition continues with the patrolling of Christies Beach today, and we can proudly say that no lives have been lost while the beach has been patrolled by the club. Club members patrol the beach on weekends, public holidays and during school holidays between October and mid March each year.
Christies Beach Surf lifesaving Club has a strong competitive history and is recognised throughout Australia for its performances in board, ski and boat events. On the local scene the Club has built up a strong relationship as a great host and supporter of surf carnivals and major events.
The new clubrooms were completed in spring 2004 and were jointly funded by State Government, City of Onkaparinga and the Christies Beach Surf Lifesaving Club.
The History Preservation Project is a collection of photos, documents and memorabilia from the first days of Christies Beach SLSC up to the present day.
Check out our Flickr page.