
Become a volunteer


Our junior program has many opportunities to volunteer.
To volunteer in our junior program you do not need to be a qualified Lifesaver. Some of the areas we have volunteer opportunities include:

  • Age group leaders/Team Managers
  • Carnival officials
  • Gear steward 
  • Recorders and administrators 
  • Coaching
  • Sausage sizzler
  • Social media and communications


Saving lives is what we're all about.
Volunteering to be a Surf Lifesaver is an iconic Australian pass time. There are many areas that you can volunteer including:

  • Rescue Boat Driver/Crew (need to be able to swim)
  • Surf Rescue Certificate (need to be able to swim)
  • Bronze Medallion holder (need to be able to swim)
  • First Aider
  • Radio Operator
  • Gear steward
  • Instructors


To be a successful sporting club you need to have effective administration and leadership. There are many different roles that we can offer, and you don't have to join a committee for most of them.

Some examples include:

  • BBQ coordinator
  • Secretarial work
  • Digital media content writer
  • Membership officer
  • Social events
  • Maintenance and Cleaning


One of our most popular areas is our function room.  This area is open to both club members and private functions. Our functions help us to raise money to fund our lifesaving and competition activities.

The volunteer roles we have on offer include:

  • Bar service
  • Bookings
  • Room preparation
  • Ordering and stock control
  • Walk through's with potential customers 
  • Communications

To find out more email hello@christiesbeachslsc.com.au